Optimizing Respiratory Treatment with Smart Nebulizers

George Oburu
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Table of contents.

  1. Abstract.
  2. Introduction.
  3. Nebulizer technology.
  4. Pressure sensor solution.
  5. Objectives and timeline.
  6. Conclusion.


Respiratory diseases and ailments are on the rise, impacting the lives of millions worldwide. Nebulizers have become a lifeline for patients dealing with conditions like asthma, tuberculosis, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). While these devices have been instrumental in delivering aerosolized medications, an essential element has been missing — the ability to monitor and control the pressure during nebulization. This project, initiated by George Oburu, a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering student at Kenyatta University, aims to bridge this gap by incorporating a pressure sensor into traditional nebulizer machines. The pressure sensor will optimize the efficiency of medication delivery, improve patient compliance, and provide real-time pressure data to enhance the treatment experience. In this article, we’ll delve into the journey of this innovative project and its potential to revolutionize respiratory care.


The battle against respiratory diseases remains a global health priority. Conditions like tuberculosis, lower respiratory infections, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have claimed millions of lives and continue to be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. However, there’s hope on the horizon with the advancements in nebulizer technology and the groundbreaking Pressure Sensor-Integrated Nebulizer Project led by George Oburu.

A Revolution in Nebulizer Technology:

Traditional nebulizers have been instrumental in delivering aerosolized medications to patients. They are crucial in alleviating symptoms and improving the quality of life for those living with respiratory conditions. However, they lack the capability to monitor and control the pressure during treatment effectively. This limitation can lead to suboptimal treatment outcomes and dosing discrepancies.

The Pressure Sensor Solution:

George Oburu’s project introduces a game-changing solution: the integration of a pressure sensor into nebulizer machines. The pressure sensor serves as the device’s watchful guardian, continuously monitoring and regulating the pressure during treatment. This breakthrough offers several key benefits:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: The pressure sensor ensures that the correct pressure is consistently maintained for optimal aerosol production. This precision results in consistent and accurate medication delivery, crucial for effective treatment.
  2. Improved Patient Compliance: With real-time pressure monitoring and control, patients can actively engage in their therapy, ensuring they receive the correct dosage and follow their treatment regimen diligently.
  3. Advanced Safety: The pressure sensor acts as a safety net, detecting any irregularities in pressure and triggering alarms or shutdown mechanisms if necessary. This added layer of security ensures patient safety during nebulization.
  4. Quality Aerosol Production: The integrated sensor aids in producing fine aerosol particles that can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, optimizing the treatment’s effectiveness.

Project Objectives:

George Oburu’s project aims to achieve several critical objectives, including:

  • Enhancing patient compliance and the efficiency of nebulizer therapy.
  • Designing a nebulizer that delivers aerosolized medication at the right pressure.
  • Training healthcare workers in the proper use of the pressure sensor-integrated nebulizer.
  • Improving the treatment experience for tuberculosis, COPD, and lower respiratory infections (LRIs) patients in Kenya and beyond.

Project Timeline:

The project follows a nine-week timeline, including:

  1. Concept formulation and proposal writing
  2. Material acquisition
  3. Assembling the pressure sensor-integrated nebulizer
  4. Rigorous testing and fine-tuning
  5. Report writing
  6. Presentation and report submission


The Pressure Sensor-Integrated Nebulizer Project, spearheaded by George Oburu, holds immense promise in transforming respiratory care. With an innovative approach and a focus on improving medication delivery and patient compliance, this project has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of respiratory diseases. By incorporating a pressure sensor, nebulizers will become more efficient, user-friendly, and safer, offering patients a brighter future in managing their respiratory conditions. As the project unfolds, we can anticipate a positive impact on the lives of countless individuals seeking respiratory relief.

